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Microsoft Ignite heard clearly with Cohesion loudspeakers

Rental company ATK Audiotek deployed the newly independent brand’s loudspeakers for the 4,500 attendees at the tech giant’s annual demonstration of new products and solutions in Seattle.


ATK Audiotek’s Cohesion speakers were deployed at Microsoft’s annual demonstration of new products and solutions, Microsoft Ignite 2023, at the Seattle Convention Center.

The Cohesion brand of loudspeakers was previously only available through the rental division of Clear Global, but became a fully supported product development and manufacturing organisation last year.

On the Keynote Stage at Microsoft Ignite, 12 CO10 line arrays utilising 120° and 80° directivities ensured each of the 4,500-plus attendees could hear clearly.

Eight CP6+ self-powered point source loudspeakers, hidden within a purpose-built 1m ‘moat’ shelf in front of the stage, provided front fill, while a ninth CP6+ directed sound towards a cluster of seats at the side.

Six CP218 II+ subwoofers were deployed in a cardioid arrangement to provide immense low frequency power. Notably, they pulsed in a ‘sonic heartbeat’ on each of the three days of Ignite to signal that a keynote speech was about to begin.

On the fifth floor, Cohesion’s CP6+ was selected to provide the entire PA system for the IP Theater Stage, which broadcast a programme of talks and  demonstrations.

Microsoft’s account manager for ATK Audiotek, Andrew Waterman, who designed the audio system for the event, said: “Cohesion is easy to rig, easy to fly and sounds great. The equalisation I have to do is minimal. I’m totally all in on Cohesion.

“When you have a guy on stage with a lavalier [microphone] the size of a pinhead speaking to more than 4,000 people, it’s really important the speaker system works flawlessly. In my experience with Cohesion, it’s engulfing, controllable and seamless.”

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