Digital Signage Advisor GPT launched in OpenAI’s GPT Store

A Digital Signage Advisor GPT designed to be free from supplier influence has been built with OpenAI’s GPT Builder tool by signagelive CEO Jason Cremins.


A new generative AI tool has been launched to offer unbiased advice on digital signage to anyone with a ChatGPT Pro licence.

Digital Signage Advisor GPT is the brainchild of Jason Cremins, founder and CEO of software company Signagelive.

Launching the industry-specific tool in the new GPT Store, Cremins said: “Over the last few weeks, I’ve dabbled with OpenAI’s GPT Builder to create a Digital Signage Advisor that, hopefully, provides unbiased, non-company-specific, general advice for those interested in digital signage.”

The specialist AI tool’s advice does not mention any individual company or product, as there are plenty of platforms, such as G2, where product comparisons can be made.

“I have been using ChatGPT Pro, Bard and Perplexity, amongst others, since ChatGPT broke onto the scene, and whilst they are all excellent in retrieving publicly available data, they all came with a considerable amount of bias that in many ways mirrored the constant battle companies face from SEO ranking,” Cremins told AV Magazine. “As a result, many of the responses should have been labelled as ‘brought to you by x vendor’ or have the P for product placement in the corner as we see on TV programmes.”

Digital Signage Advisor uses generative AI as the engine that enables the intelligence needed to deliver a simple, usable and informative chat.

“That said we are actively developing a solution that incorporates GenAI for content optimisation and creation for digital signage that we will be showcasing on our stand at ISE,” Cremins added.

Digital Signage Advisor is likely to improve over time with the release of future versions of OpenAI’s GPT product and through the ability of its GPT Builder to further optimise responses by training the GPT model.

The GPT tool is the sole work of Cremins. “I have always been interested in what is on the tech horizon and how it may apply to our business. AI and GenAI, in particular, are things we have incorporated into our business processes and will continue to explore,” he said.

Digital Signage Advisor GPT can be found here:


User: What are the key factors in digital signage content creation?

Digital Signage Advisor GPT

Creating effective digital signage content involves several key factors that contribute to its success and impact. Here are some of the most important ones:

  1. Audience Understanding: Knowing your audience is crucial. Tailor your content to the interests, needs, and characteristics of your target audience. Consider factors like age, gender, location, and time of day.
  2. Clarity and Simplicity: Your message should be clear and easy to understand. Avoid clutter and keep the design simple. Use large, readable fonts and high-contrast colors for better visibility.
  3. Engaging and Relevant Content: The content should be engaging and relevant to your audience. Use dynamic elements like videos, animations, and interactive features to grab attention, but don’t overdo it as it might become distracting.
  4. Branding Consistency: Ensure that your digital signage content aligns with your brand’s identity and message. Consistent use of logos, colors, and messaging strengthens brand recognition and trust.
  5. Call to Action: Include a clear call to action. Tell your audience what you want them to do after viewing your content, whether it’s visiting a website, participating in a survey, or entering a store.
  6. Content Freshness: Regularly update your content to keep it fresh and relevant. This keeps your audience engaged and gives them a reason to look at your signs regularly.
  7. Accessibility: Ensure your content is accessible to everyone, including those with disabilities. This includes considerations for color blindness, using subtitles for audio content, and ensuring touchscreens are at accessible heights.
  8. Legal and Ethical Considerations: Be mindful of legal restrictions, such as copyright laws and regulations regarding advertising. Always use content that you have the right to display and be ethical in the messages you share.
  9. Technical Quality: Ensure high-resolution images and videos to avoid pixelation on large screens. The content should be optimized for the screen size and resolution of your digital signage.
  10. Testing and Optimization: Finally, test your content on the actual screens to see how it appears in real-world conditions. Be prepared to tweak and optimize based on performance and audience feedback.

Remember, the effectiveness of your digital signage also depends on where and how it’s displayed, so consider the placement and viewing distance as well.

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