AV Magazine (Print Edition)

Do we need trade shows?


Well, speaking as someone who’s been covering them for 40 years, I think we do actually, but in what form? The AV industry especially is something of a tactile one where personal contact is important, in fact everything. There’s no doubt that customers benefit from in-situ demos and time spent…

It’s all about adaptability


2022 will mark my 44th year in the AV and broadcast business. I’ve had the privilege to work at technical and sales levels for manufacturers, rental/staging firms, systems integrators and television companies during my life in employment. I have been involved with some extraordinary projects, and many of them have…

Profile: Juan Jose Vila CMO + COO, Equipson


Since 2001, Juan Jose has been the operational head of Equipson, a Spanish company founded in 1995 by his father, José Luis Vila. Worker safety, particularly protocols relating to the safe use of trusses, motor hoists, stage platforms and rigging in the live events sector, is something Juan has always…

Passion + evolution = longevity


In the mid-seventies, Canadian electronics engineer, businessman, and philanthropist* Lorne Trottier co-founded the computer graphics company, Matrox. He is now the president and sole owner of the group, which includes Matrox Video and Matrox Imaging. The company celebrates its 45th anniversary this year. Trottier has been the key player in…

Reimagining technology ownership


The New Year traditionally brings lots of ‘next big thing’ predictions for the year ahead and AV as-a-Service (AVaaS) has regularly been one of those predictions in years past. Despite that, it just hasn’t gone ‘big’, despite it being a model widely adopted in IT and AV being purchased increasingly…

Welcome to the sign age


Walls have ears, said the wartime propaganda posters. But nowadays it’s more likely to be the poster itself that has ears (and eyes) – at least if it’s displayed via digital signage. "Two-way interactivity and data collection are at the cutting edge of digital signage implementations,” says Sean Wargo, senior…

Hidden gem


Spain started the year with bullish predictions in terms of growth and recovery after a very tough 2020 but “by the end we can say that this year has been a bit of a rollercoaster ride,” says Greg Babbs, sales manager at Datapath in what is an understatement. Luis Garrido…

Pushing open the doors of perception


In a Hoxton warehouse a six-person undercover unit is tasked with cracking a world-changing mystery. On the dark web, a black market known as ‘Origin’ has begun selling contraband, including Covid 19 vaccines, rhino horn extract – even Brad Pitt’s DNA. Suddenly, you’re face to face with dinosaurs. What is…