Digital Signage and DOOH

Green light for Wii

Nintendo is utilising over 500 of Comtech M2M's wireless digital in-store display units as part of its multimedia marketing launch for the new Nintendo Wii Fit, the fitness related accessory to its Wii system. Updated remotely using GPRS, the digital units have been rolled out in ASDA, Game, Gamestation, HMV,…

Signage solves traffic jams

At the moment displays with traffic information are placed at the exit of a large number of amusement parks, zoos, road restaurants and conference centers. In total there will be 200 screens placed across the Netherlands. These displays show the real-time traffic jams and or train delays. When there are…

NCR and Cisco together on signage

NCR says that this will help deliver greater management control at a lower cost of operation than traditional products.Retail Systems Research studies shows that the use of digital signage screens for in-store advertising can increase revenues by 2.3 per cent and profits by over 10 per cent, boosting sales of…

3D Billboards

‘We were aware that it's becoming much harder to entice passers-by to look at static or flat digital billboards in today's hectic society. So we wanted to come up with something that would really shake up the audio visual signage market. Many people already have large flat-screens at home and…

Cross-track projection in the tube

The soundless commercial content will feature in full motion and HD quality.Piccadilly Circus, Bank, Liverpool Street, Euston and Bond Street have all been fitted with the hi-tech projectors and giant screens, each linked to a new digital advertising network enabling partners to remotely update their messages on a 120' loop,…

Chinese Gamblers Get Signage

Macao hotel and casino complex The Venetian,  the largest building in Asia and the second largest in the world, is being outfitted with an array of Harris InfoCaster digital signage systems. The Harris system is being used to create, synchronise, and deliver individualised messages throughout The Venetian Macao resort. In…