Google shrinks Project Starline prototype to the size of a TV

A new 3D video conferencing prototype, which is now the size of a flatscreen TV thanks to advances in AI, is being trialled with Salesforce, T-Mobile and WeWork.


Google has developed a new prototype of its Project Starline 3D videoconferencing solution, which shrinks the product from the size of a restaurant booth to a flatscreen TV.

The tech giant says its new prototype can be smaller thanks to advances in AI.

The company’s earlier Project Starline prototypes took up an entire room, and required complex hardware such as infrared light emitters and special cameras to create a live 3D model of the person taking part.

“While the results were impressive, the size and complexity of the system made it challenging to bring to many of today’s offices,” said Andrew Nartker, general manager of Project Starline in a Google blog post.

With new AI techniques, the latest prototype only needs a few standard cameras to produce higher quality, lifelife 3D images. And the reduction in size makes it more deployable and accessible.

Google introduced Project Starline in 2021, and subsequent research studies have shown it builds personal connection, reduces meeting fatigue and increases attentiveness

According to Google, the technology works like a magic window, enabling you to talk, gesture and make eye contact with another person, lifesize and in three dimensions. Using advanced AI, the system builds a photorealistic model of the person you’re talking to, and projects that on to a light field display.

Andy White, SVP of business technology at Salesforce, commented: “Project Starline has the potential to help create authentic and immersive connections that foster deeper relationships with both our employees and customers, enhance trust and transparency, and drive productivity and efficiency.”

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