Make meeting room tech support organisational culture

Ed Morgan, COO of DisplayNote, identifies the factors you need to consider when assessing whether technology will support and enhance the culture you want to cultivate in an organisation.


In today’s fast-paced and ever-evolving business landscape, technology has become an integral part of organisational operations; from communication tools to productivity software and automation systems, technology has enabled businesses to streamline their processes and boost efficiency.

Nonetheless, while technology has undoubtedly revolutionised the way we work, it’s important not to overlook the impact it can have on organisational culture.

Organisational culture refers to the shared values, beliefs, and behaviours that shape the way people work together within an organisation. It encompasses everything from communication styles and leadership approaches to employee engagement and the company’s mission and vision. And just as technology can enhance productivity, it can also impact organisational culture, for better or for worse.

When it comes to technology and culture, the key is to focus on how technology can support and enhance the culture you want to cultivate within your organisation. This means taking a strategic approach to technology selection and implementation, with a keen eye on the impact it can have on employee engagement, collaboration, and well-being.

One area where this approach is particularly relevant is meeting room technology. Meetings are a critical aspect of organisational culture, as they provide a space for collaboration, idea sharing, and decision-making. However, poorly executed meetings can also be a significant source of frustration and disengagement for employees.

To ensure that meeting room technology supports and enhances your organisational culture, there are several key factors to consider:

Ease of Use
First and foremost, meeting room technology should be intuitive and easy to use. Employees should be able to walk into a meeting room and quickly connect to the technology without having to fumble with cords or navigate complicated interfaces. The technology should also be reliable, with minimal downtime or technical issues.

By prioritising ease of use, you can ensure that meetings start off on the right foot, with employees feeling empowered and engaged rather than frustrated or disengaged.

Accessibility is another critical factor to consider when it comes to meeting room technology. This means ensuring that the technology is accessible to all employees, regardless of their abilities or technology preferences. For example, if you’re using video conferencing technology, it should be compatible with a range of devices and operating systems, and should have features like closed captioning or screen reader compatibility for employees with disabilities.

By prioritising accessibility, you can create a more inclusive organisational culture, where all employees feel valued and supported.

Integration with Other Tools
Meeting room technology should also be integrated with other tools and systems that employees use on a daily basis. This might include productivity software like project management tools or CRM systems, or communication tools like email or chat. By integrating meeting room technology with these other tools, you can streamline workflows and make it easier for employees to collaborate and stay organised.

Finally, meeting room technology should be customisable to meet the individual needs of your organisation. This might mean selecting technology that can be tailored to different types of meetings (e.g., brainstorming sessions vs. presentations), or that can be customised with your company’s branding or messaging.

By prioritising customisability, you can create a more personalised and engaging meeting experience, where employees feel that the technology is working for them rather than against them.

In conclusion, when it comes to meeting room technology (and technology more broadly), it’s important to take a strategic and holistic approach. Rather than focusing solely on the technology itself, consider how it can support and enhance the culture you want to cultivate within your organisation. By prioritising ease of use, accessibility, integration, and customisability, you can create a meeting experience that empowers and engages employees, while supporting the overall goals of your organisation.

Ed Morgan is COO of DisplayNote.

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