‘Millennials feel most ostracised in hybrid work meetings’

Millenials are four time as likely as baby boomers to feel left out of conversations, according to the 2023 edition of Jabra’s Hybrid Ways of Working Global Report.


The rise of hybrid working has resulted in new challenges in terms of inclusivity and the understanding of meeting room technology, according to Jabra’s 2023 edition of its Hybrid Ways of Working Global Report.

The survey of 1,845 knowledge workers in the US, UK, France, Germany, Poland and Japan has revealed that millennials (27- to 42-year-olds) are four times more likely to feel left out of the conversation during online meetings as baby boomers (59- to 77-year-olds).

Although millennials are ‘digital natives’, they are some of the youngest and least experienced employees, so they may lack the confidence to speak up in meetings. The report says leaders must be mindful of inter-generational dynamics and should use meeting technology to give every employee the confidence to actively participate in discussions in a way that best suits them, thereby creating a more inclusive hybrid meeting culture.

The return of staff to the workplace means that 58% of meetings are now held in meeting rooms, with roughly half of them involving online participants. The survey revealed that video helps 55% of employees working remotely feel as involved as when they are in the office.

Jabra’s research also found that 55% of employees believe that the use of video during meetings affects how they perceive their colleagues. They agreed that colleagues using video seem more competent, engaged and trustworthy than those who do not. However, the research also found that they feel pressured to have their cameras on.

When employees can’t join a meeting in a way that works for them, remotely or in-person, employers run the risk of exacerbating existing issues within their teams, such as negative social dynamics. Therefore, before leaders create mandatory policies on the use of video, the report suggests that they be aware of the challenges that such policies can create.

According to the research, not enough has been done to support those returning to the office get up to speed with meeting room technology. The survey revealed that 45% of employees are hesitant to host meetings in a meeting room because they’re less comfortable with the technology than they are with using their own laptop.

As organisations around the world continue to upgrade their office meeting rooms, it’s essential that comprehensive training and guidance for employees is provided. The report says by ensuring employees can use the technology, business leaders can maximise the benefits of their enhanced meeting rooms and foster a seamless transition into the hybrid work environment.

Holger Reisinger, Jabra’s senior vice-president, said: “Hybrid work is now the norm for millions of knowledge workers worldwide, bringing with it new challenges to the way we collaborate with one another. While employees speak of the wellbeing benefits of flexible working, many employers have struggled to lead widely distributed teams.

“Moving forward, it’s essential that leaders give employees the tools they need and allow them to join meetings from where it best suits them. This will instill trust, empower decision-making and allow the best ideas to rise to the top.”

To download a copy of the report, click here

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