Companies scale back hybrid tech installed during Covid-19

Research by Kinly has revealed that 23% of organisations in the UK are rolling back the ‘rushed’ hybrid working technologies they installed in response to the pandemic.


Nearly a quarter (23%) of organisations in the UK are rolling back the ‘rushed’ hybrid working technologies they installed in response to the pandemic, according to research by Kinly.

A report by the AV and unified communications solutions provider has revealed that 41% of AV professionals believe that their organisations were too hasty in implementing installations, with 39% reporting there was not the time necessary to ‘get the technology right’ during Covid-19.

The survey of 150 AV professionals in the banking, finance, healthcare, energy and public sectors also found that 32% thought the rush to adapt to remote working has potentially undermined security.

As organisations navigate the roll back, they are reassessing what technology to keep and which to swap out. Kinly’s research found that network infrastructure continues to be a priority for 43% of AV professionals (43%), with virtual townhall tech (41%) and office displays (40%) also maintaining their pivotal roles.

Kinly’s UK region managing director, Taj Ghere said: “Covid-19 was a tough time for everyone, and it’s understandable that so many organisations had to rush to change. Now, however, as we look back on the decisions made, it’s essential that businesses consider whether the technologies they selected are right for their long-term business goals. Many organisations thought that working from home would be a temporary solution to the crisis, but have since seen the benefits of flexible and remote working for their staff, their businesses and their bottom lines.

“In the face of the ‘great roll back’, security considerations will be paramount, but this is also our chance to ensure that technology choices are maximising productivity and giving employees the best possible hybrid-working experiences. Those that rushed their installations last time should not risk making the same mistakes twice. They need to work with specialist AV partners to ensure that their second approach is right – first time. By focusing on precision, security and simplicity, organisations can forge a path toward sustainable success in the era of hybrid work.”

To download a copy of the report, click here.

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