Getting hybrid work environment right is key to productivity

A Biamp survey of 2,400 staff and employers has found that effective videoconferencing technology is required to create equity between remote and in-office work environments.


A survey by Biamp has revealed workers and managers agree that enabling hybrid work scenarios is the best way of ensuring productive work environments for the most employees.

The research, which canvassed 2,400 respondents from across the globe, found that although workers are spending more time in the office, managers acknowledge that the ability to work from anywhere remains a necessity, for at least some of the time.

In response, organisations must implement solutions that balance the needs of those in the office and elsewhere, creating meeting environments that are hybrid but equal.

Employees noted that to achieve equality, a hybrid videoconferencing meeting should:

  • Start without delay.
  • Feature high-quality sound, which is more important than video. 
  • Offer a clear video experience.
  • Utilise software and hardware that are easy to operate.
  • Ensure that remote attendees feel as involved as those in the conference room.

During the past 18 months, three-quarters of workers who responded to the survey said their employers are asking them to come to the office more often. So it’s critical that organisations provide the necessary tools for effective meetings in the office that involve people located elsewhere.

Anecdotal feedback from employers suggested that there is agreement between managers and staff that the office environment needs to change to accommodate workers at home, in satellite offices and in transit. 

Most respondents regarded the office as a main space for getting work done, but it’s up to business leaders to create an environment that reflects the realities and requirements of working from anywhere.

The report also identified the integration of AI into conferencing technology stacks and ensuring quality sound for all as key to improving hybrid conferencing environments.

For full analysis of the data, click here.

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