Kindermann wins in court over Barco ‘patent infringement’

The Dutch court of appeal has ruled that the Klick&Show collaboration solution does not infringe upon Barco’s asserted patent, after the court of first instance rejected the original claim in 2021.

Kindermann managing director Timo Meissner: 'This ensures legal certainty for our trading partners'

The court of appeal in the Netherlands has ruled that Kindermann did not infringe upon Barco’s asserted patent with its Klick&Show collaboration solution.

The Dutch court of first instance rejected the accusation of patent infringement in 2021, although the patent was assumed to be legally valid. Barco appealed but the court of appeal has confirmed the first instance decision and revoked Barco’s patent in the Netherlands.

Proceedings on the validity of Barco’s patent are ongoing at the European Patent Office (EPO). Providers of collaboration solutions questioned the validity of Barco’s patent  – a view that was endorsed by the opposition division of the EPO. But the Belgian company has appealed against its patent being revoked.

Kindermann’s managing director, Timo Meissner, said: “We are pleased that the patent dispute in the Netherlands has been concluded. This also ensures legal certainty for our trading partners. We have been continuously developing Klick&Show in the meantime. The results are universal BYOM and BYOD solutions that ideally meet the requirements of the new worlds of work and education.”

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