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NEXO speakers win bid for German town hall business

The long throw and easily variable vertical HF dispersion of NEXO ID84 speakers helped AV contractor Protones demonstrate superior performance with fewer speakers in its bid.


Designed by architect Carl-Friedrich Fischer, the town hall in Flensburg is the seat of the northern German city’s council, and houses large parts of its administration and archives.

A recent public tender to update the sound systems in four meeting rooms within the 17-storey, 1960s building was won by AV and event technology specialist Protones which was able to present systems with superior performance using fewer speakers than other bids.

Protones project leader Arne Sumfleth commented: “Working in collaboration with NEXO’s engineering support team, we used the company’s NS-1 configuration and prediction software to prove that relatively small installations of NEXO ID Series speakers could deliver superior performance and coverage. And, of course, less speakers makes for a more straightforward installation process, which helps to keep the project within budget.”

With a particularly long throw and easily variable vertical HF dispersion, just two of NEXO’s new ID84 column speakers were required in the ‘Paul Ziegler Raum’, while a similar configuration is supplemented by compact ID14 and ID24 cabinets to infill the back rows in the ‘Bürgersaal’.

The ‘Europaraum’ is covered by just three ID24s set to 60°and four ID14s, while the octagonal ‘Ratsaal’ features a central cluster of two ID24s set to 120° and one to 90°, combining to provide 280° coverage of what is essentially a circular space, and four side ID24 set to 90°. All amplification and processing come from NEXO’s DTD controllers and 4-channel DTDAMPS.

“ID Series speakers share a very consistent sound with excellent speech intelligibility,” said Sumfleth. “And consistent coverage is also vital in an application like this, where the public and elected officials must be able to hear every question and answer clearly. A good sound system is central to the democratic process, and NEXO certainly helped us to deliver this in Flensburg.”

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