
Holiday World Books With A-V

Multimedia Going Places Potential holidaymakers can access up-to-date trip details and watch promotional videos through a network of screens, or use interactive touch points to search for late availability holidays and 'ideal matches' which can then be taken to the sales agent for booking. The installations, carried out by integrator…

Medics Link Up

Multi-point lectures are helping the universities of Leicester and Warwick esablish a new medical school. The sophisticated installation, carried out by RSL and consultant JFW, is designed to support rather than replace lecturers.

Systems Go Europe-Wide

The first trans-national players are emerging in the installations market. AV's feature looks at the ideas behind Impact-Europe, and at control system maker Panja's new UK plans

Audience Response Results

The latest generation of audience response systems allows users to carry out company audits and enable decision-making, as well as asking audiences their views

Systems In Action

New applications and markets are causing a boom in the systems and installation market. AV March's gallery feature looks at eight case studies, ranging from education and telecoms to leisure.