Ta Buys 51% Of A+K

Presentation systems distributor Anders+Kern (A+K) has been bought by TA Triumph-Adler (TA).

Anders+Kern owner Derek Kuziw has sold a 51% stake to Triumph-Adler, but will continue to run the business for the next five year. Triumph-Adler’s Experts@Output Group, which will be the A+K holding company, moved into the presentations area in 1998 with the acquisition of the Anders+Kern Presentation Systems businesses in Germany. It then bought Benelux-based distributor PPE Presentations Products in 1999 and acquired Swiss reseller Visinfo AG in November 2000. The TA Experts@Output group aims to have an overall turnover of 600m euros by 2003, 190m euros of which is expected to come from the ‘presentation and media technology segment’. Anders+Kern UK’s turnover was 3.4m in its fiscal year 2000. www.triumph-adler.de

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